Symbaloo is a social bookmarking website. It is used for saving your favorite websites to your Symbaloo account for easy accessing. You can change the back ground of your Symbaloo page, and you can add whatever website you want to. You can change the background of your link as well, and you can also change the picture on the link. You can search for webmixes on your favorite. If you are really into football, you can search for a webmix that is all about football instead of creating your own. You can add as many webmixes to your Symbaloo account as you want. Symbaloo is a great way to save websites that you might not remember. Say if you got onto a shopping website, but the next day you forgot what it was. Youu can just use Symbaloo to save the website so it will always be there. If you wanna check out Symbaloo click here